It's Time.

“I can’t do this.”

This plays in my head multiple times a day. Starting with waking in the morning. And then plays, “you have to”, on repeat until I move forward.

I’ve been listening to the podcast, “Terrible, Thanks for Asking”. It’s hosted by Nora Mcinerny, who also wrote a book called It’s Okay to Laugh (Crying is Cool Too). I read the book after seeing her host a live show. Stacey Huiras was already a big fan of hers and a few of us tagged along to the show. I had never witnessed a live podcast before, nor did I know that’s what I was going to be seeing when I went. She interviewed some fantastic people, who all made you think harder about life. I’ve only listened to a few podcasts so far, but each one really sits with you. The one I just listened to was about a woman who suffered severe postpartum depression. She was successful in her career and was beyond excited to be a mom. As soon as she had her daughter she didn’t want to be a mom anymore. So she talks through her dark days and the types of thoughts she had through it all. It was bizarre how relatable some of it was for me, but in a different scenario. She talked about how she became a different person than the person she was on the radio. And how before they were both the same person. No one would have known that the girl on the radio was struggling. I see it all the time with myself now. Work Ashlee just has to fill her role and fulfill the expectations in that role regardless of who she is outside of work. I find it hard to believe that I’m that stealthy though and people don’t know. Of course, now that I’ve told the world through this blog and Facebook it’s not much of a secret. I sometimes wonder if I hadn’t, would people know? And even now that they know, do they see it? Or do they wonder what in the world I’m writing about because it sounds nothing like the person in the office they see.

I realize in the grand scheme it doesn’t matter what other people think. But it affects us even when we don’t want it to. I’ve been thinking hard on what my next steps should be. As the days go on it just gets harder and I feel more of the “I can’t do it”. I’ve started to hibernate more in my cube or just avoid it all together and work from home. The actual ability to talk to other people has become more difficult some days. Which sounds bizarre. But I just can’t think of the words to say. There isn’t any energy there to have an organic conversation. I worked at home recently and I even contemplated cancelling a meeting because I just wasn’t sure I could talk through it. But I had to make myself do it. And I get panicky about upcoming events and how I’m going to get through those. And picking up my kids and getting back home. The list goes on and it’s maddening. In previous parts of my life I’ve analyzed and overthought things. But never to this extent where it can become paralyzing at times.

On top of that I’ve found it challenging to open up to people. There are still a few people that I feel comfortable talking to thankfully, but not as many as one would think. I have so many friends, yet I can hardly talk to any of them. It just doesn’t make sense. But I’ve found that some people have a way of minimizing my feelings whether they realize it or not. And because of this very thing I become closed off. I do enough of that task on my own. Beat myself down with the devil’s advocate. So subjecting myself to it outside my head adds extra defeat. People don’t know what to do with people who are struggling. They don’t know what to say or how to act. I’ve basically upheld a certain image for such a long time that when I tell people that what they’re seeing is not real and I’m putting up a barrier, they minimize it or can’t comprehend it. Even though I feel like I’m making great feats in expressing what I’m going through, it’s still sometimes so small to the outside world it gets missed.

You know how when you have a long, hard day or a day full of adventure, you get home and you feel like you might just collapse. When the exhaustion has hit to the point where you think you might break and sometimes the slightest thing can set you off. That is how I feel all day long, right from the time I wake up. I am constantly in fight mode. And if I can manage a few hours of flight it’s because I found the perfect pain-relieving cocktail that I took at the right moment that my body responds to it. This isn’t achievable most days. I can try the same concoction of things and I won’t respond the same way. In fact, it might just do nothing at all. But even if it did, it’s still a temporary band-aid. My body doesn’t have time and space to heal. It’s literally come to the end of its rope. And without the rope it can’t fly, so what’s going to happen?

What’s going to happen is that I’ve come to terms with that fact that I need to take time to learn how to fly again. I’ll start with a month (off of work, turns out I can’t just take off time from life) and go from there. I’ve been fighting it because it’s not easy financially and I needed support and validation that it was the right thing to do. In the end, the only validation I really need is the validation from myself, and what my body is telling me it needs. I need help, I need time, and I need space to heal. And that is okay.

It’s hard asking for help, but if anyone feels inclined to do so, here are some things:
• fresh fruits and veggies, clean and cut up, ready to eat (just makes it easier since I have a hard time being in the kitchen for long periods prepping food)
• vegan, gluten-free soups and salads (for myself to easily grab and eat) and/or meals that the rest of my family enjoys eating
• if you’d rather just do a food gift card: WYSIWIG, Neutral Groundz (they now have great lunch options), Indigo Organic, Grizzly’s (kids LOVE their chicken), Hy-Vee or Cub,,
• money sent to my Full Spectrum Float account – I need to keep floating, but cost will be challenging without my full income (507)387-4538 (Luke, the owner, can assist you)
• Occasional playdates for the kids. Kindergarten is starting soon and I’m hoping that if I’m home resting all day I can save more energy to spend on them. But I know they love spending time with their friends too.
• Thoughts, prayers, love, support… all of it. Notes of encouragement.


  1. I hear you, Ashley. And in an attempt to even out your brave step to bare your soul, I am going to share mine here for you!

    I have also struggled with anxiety and depression for many years as well as self esteem issues. Being single at my age sometimes leaves me mourning a life I never had, a husband and family to share my time and love. I know I'm not pretty, I know I'm obese, but why couldn't anyone see through the ugly outside coating and see the real me inside? Nobody wants you, someone that big can't be smart.

    This leads me to my thought - I always thought you didn't speak to me much because I am obese and ugly, not because you were struggling with your own battles! You always look so pretty, long blonde hair, petite, always dressed so cute, maybe what I could look like if I was thin. I wished so much I could look like you, then maybe people would see me as a pretty, smart person worthy of their time. Funny how our "battles" crossed paths in our lives.

    I am still reeling from a year that nearly ripped my heart out and left me for dead. In 2017, I first lost my job of 17 years that I loved. Then I lost my mom that I loved even more. I had my life pulled out from under me with no time for goodbyes, just where my demons like me...broken.

    But it seems we still have to keep moving. I go to work and engage with friends, but my heartache is so great it is difficult to rise above it. I guess we'll see what next week brings.

    Have you ever heard of the author Jenny Lawson? She is called "The Bloggess", and she has written several books about her life with mental illness. Ashley, she never fails to lighten my mood - she says the crazy #$%^ we want to say but don't! Check her out on her website,

    And thank you for giving me the courage to bare my soul too!


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