
Showing posts from October, 2018

New Hope.

Hey Friends! I've been a bit absent. October 1st I went back to work part-time. It was challenging and I just kept telling myself that I knew the transition back would be hard. It wasn't the actual work part. That I was able to pick up where I left off and jump in. It was the physical and mental challenge. Fighting the fatigue, the pain, the stress signal going off, my heart racing, the gut distress, and so on. That Thursday I had the day to go to appointments and catch my breath. Friday I decided to work from home. It was then I realized that maybe I needed to transition slower and work from home. I thought maybe eliminating the stress of getting out the door might help. It was still a battle. I had one decent day that week. That Wednesday it was a fight between the couch and being at my computer working. I toughed it out to get my hours in that day. Thursday I had meetings in the office that I really wanted to be at. I crawled my way out the door to make it in time for the ...