hope noun 1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. When the world says, "give up". Hope whispers, "try it one more time". The last two months have been a whirlwind. I'm sure I'm not alone in this feeling. But hey, we made it to spring and the sun is shining (sometimes)! I'm just going to jump right into the nitty gritty. The last post we left off with heavy metals and me having elevated levels of about 9 kinds. Soon after that I was tested for mycotoxins (mold). We discovered I have three types in my body that are at elevated levels. This isn't the same thing as a mold allergy. This is the kind of mold that has accumulated in your body over time or from an acute exposure. Mycotoxins are naturally occurring in many foods, which we all consume and get exposed to. It can also grow in homes from water damage or excess humidity. Again, there's always going to be some of this happening. But some people are just more...