cover me in sunshine.

Before we begin… disclaimer: I’m not a health professional. This is just me sharing my journey and what I’ve learned along the way. Please always consult your own doctor. Everyone’s journey is their own. I’m always happy to share resources with people and be someone to journey together with! —————— So I've used the roller coaster analogy multiple times, because it's incredibly applicable. Get a little better, get worse, get a little better, go down a little bit, take a weird turn, go back up and feel some changes, and so on. But what's even more relevant is when you go down on the roller coaster and you get that 'Oh Shit!' look on your face. Now that. Is. Real. The highs and lows of the Ashlee Suker life --> Probably should be my bio title. I think I basically already summarized the last eight months of my life in roller coaster analogy. I was doing reasonably well for a bit there this spring, in Ashlee terms at least. This basically means that most days I experi...