took a little trip.

My last appointment with my functional medicine doctor was at the end of November 2021. Which seems like eons ago at this point. During that time I started thinking maybe I would go visit him in person. And then I put that thought aside on a shelf somewhere for awhile. Except I kept coming back to it. The only problem was that there was never a good time to go and it would cost, of course. But at what point has my health ever been convenient? It's not and never has been. It's been inconveniencing me for many years, even before the big crash. Sometime in January in the midst of working through my Babesia treatment I decided I needed to go see him. I was determined to find a way and I'd go by myself if I had to. Once I set my mind to something it's a bit hard to change it. And trust me, I tried talking myself out of it quite a bit. Telling myself I would be fine, to just finish out the rest of the Lyme treatments, etc. But nope! I had to go. But then it was tax season and...