Otis update 12.7.22

Hi Everyone! I’m just going to do a quick overview as recounting the last few days in detail will take me forever and I just don’t have it in me this morning. But! I know people want updates and it’s getting hard to keep up with messaging everyone so I’m putting it in one spot. Backstory for those who do not know… I took Otis to the ER Monday, December 5, at about 10:45am. Prior to me rushing out of the house in a panic he went cold, blue/gray/purple in skin coloring, and just limp in my arms. Yes, I thought he was dying. I’ve never witnessed anything like that before in my life. I don’t think I will ever forget that visual. And I’m sure Ben will never forget hearing me over the phone. They got us in right away (thank you Mayo for taking a scared mom seriously). The nurse weighed him and took his temp and just started rushing down the hall without a word. Ben caught up with us and basically there was a lot of chaos for the next hour. (At one point I found out his temp was 91.7 degrees,...