cavitation surgery recovery, vascular compression investigation, and wandering OKC!
It's been three glorious weeks since my first cavitation surgery. I'm definitely not fully healed, but there has been progress. The swollen bump on my lower jaw dissipated around the two week mark which I was happy about. It's still a little tender, but not very bothersome. The actual cavitation sites are still sore and the back of my jaw is achy. I can fully open my mouth now, but it turns out if I yell it does hurt. So yelling is off the table I guess. haha I've still been trying to do red light therapy each day. I have the urge to do ice and heat at times. I can chew on both sides of my mouth, but still favor my left side. So that is going to be fun after this next surgery. I think I've been clenching my jaw again in my sleep these past few nights which does not help matters. I'm going to go on a limb and guess that I'm subconsciously a bit anxious for surgery. I'm going into it preparing for it to be like last time, but also with a side of hope that...