Will this be the winner?

This morning when I woke up I felt like I was radioactive. It's the most bizarre feeling. There is pain all over and you just feel like it's radiating and creating a glow all over your body. It's a bit paralyzing. I have to give mental pep talks and direction. Ashlee, you must roll over and get your CBD oil. Take the oil and lay there until you can move again. Seems so simple, yet in the moment it still takes me a few minutes to finally reach over. And then I just think... seriously, this is ridiculous. Are you imagining this? No. If you were imagining this you would just move.
Isn't it fun talking to yourself? We can be so annoying.

It's been a busy week. We started putting our house back together last Saturday. Thankful for those who showed up to help. Extra kudos to my mom, she has been our house project superhero! Love her to pieces! I did the best I could, but still wished I could have done more. Ben constantly tells me not to be so hard on myself, but it's hard not to. If I was fully me I'd totally crush it. I only had one meltdown. That seems pretty good. Actually in the full scheme of the three month project there hasn't been many, so I guess I handled it better than I thought. Things are really starting to come together and I really do love how it turned out. And I can tell that having things back in place has helped tremendously. I just feel more grounded again. With all the busy-ness and schedules I hadn't been able to float since last Saturday. And day by day I could feel myself withering. I was able to squeeze one in last night, but it wasn't soon enough to save me today. But even when I do get my floats all in... Fridays are rough. I wish there was a way around it.

Most of the time it's all invisible to everyone else. Until it's a bad enough that my body language says it all. And sometimes when I think I'm keeping it together, people can see it in my eyes. I don't often talk about it because it's awkward for people. It's also hard to explain. And I don't like to project negative feelings onto anyone. I automatically want to end with "but it's going to be fine" or "but isn't it beautiful outside today". I feel like I can't leave them with "this is hard and I'm sad". This doesn't happen all too often because I don't get asked about it very much anymore. I appear pretty normal and healthy on the outside. Minus the acne that keeps popping up because of all the internal imbalance. I appreciate those who have let me just get it all out and cry a bit. Okay so they probably weren't wanting the tears part, but it happens. Either way, thanks for letting me just be.

So what is really wrong? That's a great question that doesn't have a simple answer.
If you checked all 18 pressure points, they would all be tender and a doctor would say "yup, you have fibromyalgia". The adrenal stress test says my cortiosol is high. My blood panel says my blood counts are lower than they should be, my ferritin is low, and my cortisol is low (you'll notice this contradicts the adrenal test that was taken two months prior). My thyroid test says my thyroid isn't producing enough hormones. My hormone test says my progesterone is almost nonexistent, my prolactin is high, my estrogen is high, and my DHEA is lower than it should be. My stool test says my enzymes are low, I have some weird bacteria that shouldn't be there, there's elevated inflammation and there's blood in my stool. My infection tests say I'm positive for CMV and mycoplasma. And my bladder test says I empty my bladder, but the nerves just signal that I constantly have to go and there's sometimes an awesome burning sensation/irritation to go with it.

If you try to treat each of these things it doesn't work. There is a root cause to all of it. If you fix the root cause the body will heal itself and regulate everything. So what is the root cause? We aren't sure. This is the case with just about any autoimmune out there and likely mystery illnesses.. like fibromyalgia. They are finding that the root cause and source of most of these illnesses are excess toxins, heavy metals, parasites, lyme, bad bacteria, and mold. So if you can't figure out which specific thing it is then it's best to just cleanse the body of all of it. Why do I know this? Because I watched a very informational docuseries about it and have done a lot of research. I refuse to accept this as my forever life. So I've been trying to take charge and do what I can on my own. And thankfully I also have a doctor who is collaborative.

So now what?
I'm starting a protocol today to rid myself of all of these potential causes. I don't think it's a coincidence that I know multiple people with health issues/infertility who grew up on farms in rural MN... surrounded by fields sprayed with pesticides and drank well water. And I wish I could say for certain that this will work and it's not a waste of money, but I can't say that yet. It's a four month process. Month one focuses on opening up all of the body's passageways... lymphatic system, kidney/liver, and digestion system. Month two & three is when you work to kill off any bad bacteria, mold, parasites, etc. And now that the passages are open they all have a place to drain and exit. Month four is the nitty gritty heavy metal detox. Many things attach themselves to heavy metals so this is when you'll start to see the infections/viruses and candida clear out too. And of course along with all of this you have to watch what food you're putting into your body. I've already been doing that step for quite sometime. I had hoped that would be enough to reset and feel better, but it hasn't. But at least I know how to do that part already.

Starting something new doesn't come without some anxiety. I've tried so many things and each time is a new wave of hope. And thus far it has followed with disappointment. So stay tuned as a venture through this!

And what's a blog post without some fun facts! Random things I've learned:
• Acne that develops around your eyebrows signals intestinal imbalance. Acne around your mouth is hormonal.
• Symptoms like heartburn, indigestion, and reflux aren't usually from too much acid. It's actually from too little stomach acid. The valve to your stomach requires very low pH environment to function. When you have weak acid the valve doesn't close and stomach juices can move up into the esophagus. This can cause burning, irritation, sore throat, and other discomfort. (so my constant sore throat isn't a cold, it's from too little acid)
•  Furthermore, when your pH is too high (not enough acid) your digestive enzymes stop functioning and food isn't fully digested. And when it's not fully digested your body doesn't receive the nutrition it needs. The undigested food then passes into the colon and ferments, which causes gas, bloating, and digestive imbalances (and maybe causing an acne breakout!). Long story short: If you experience any of these symptoms.. try some good digestive enzymes and see if it helps. Any antacids you take will just make the problem worse because you're decreasing the stomach acid even more, causing a chain reaction.
• Most health issues start with gut imbalance (whether you realize it or not). This is often a result of antibiotics. Antibiotics wipe out both good and bad bacteria. Once the good bacteria is wiped out there isn't anything to fight off the bad. Your gut becomes a feasting ground for things that don't belong. So if you must take an antibiotic make sure to feed probiotics into your system. Ear infections is one type of infection that doesn't always warrant an antibiotic. You can use garlic drops to ease the pain and reduce the inflammation. The body will do the rest and heal it.
• Drink clean water. Even get a filter for your city water if you can.
• Crazy PMS is not normal despite what you've been told. Get a hormone panel done if you experience this. Estrogen dominance is the most common because estrogen is prevalent in many of our foods and products we use. Soy for instance is natural high in estrogen. And chemicals in our skincare products, plastics, etc.
• Pests love strawberries, so they are often sprayed a lot. So this is one fruit that's better to be organic if possible. Blueberries are often left alone by pests, so not as crucial to be organic.

If you feel inclined to learn more, feel free to download and listen (huge shout out to Danielle for sending me this link when she did. She likely has saved my life. <3) : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6upe173w2vt4ppf/AADfd0vla3mFywaiObby_8p6a?dl=0

Love to you all!

p.s. If you would like a good digestive enzyme/probiotic... Arbonne has one. Now I'm only telling you this because I've tried a ton of different probiotics and this one seems to work the best for me for whatever reason. We're all unique though :) But if you want to try it, hit me up.


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