The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. —Part 2

Hello again.

So as I stated in part 1, I'm about two months into this protocol that I'm on. The protocol is designed to help eliminate infections, viruses, toxins, heavy metals, and parasites from your body. Some viruses never leave your body, they just go dormant. These can be aggravated again, often from big life events that cause stress and lots of emotion. EBV is a common one that can cause a lot of issues. You have mono early in life, it goes dormant, then comes back wreaking even more havoc on your body later. Most people have parasites, because they're everywhere and contracted easily. But some people don't show symptoms because their bodies have a strong immune system and can fight them off or the symptoms are misdiagnosed as something else. The array of symptoms can be so vast. Skin issues, allergies (environmental and food), digestion issues, anxiety, chronic pain, teeth grinding, to name a few. All of these things I mentioned at the start of this paragraph are said to also be the root cause of autoimmune diseases. Many of the people doing the Microbe Formulas protocol have an autoimmune that they're working to reverse.
This whole thing has been fascinating and I've learned more than I ever thought I would. The protocol is not fun by any means. Somedays it's actually brutal. But the alternative is to feel like crap. So I'd rather feel like crap while actually being proactive. It's a slow start. Phase 1 is just working on drainage. It's a very important piece to the protocol and some people during this portion don't feel different at all. For me one of the main feats was getting my bowels to move regularly. I've struggled with constipation for many years. If bowels aren't moving then all of the junk has no way to get out and will ultimately just stir inside you making you feel terrible. One of the supplements is Intestinal Mover so it has several different herbs in it to help with this. The other supplements are lymphatic detox, kidney/liver detox, and Bioactive Carbon Foundation. So the carbon is a binder that grabs the toxins and die-off that is happening. Then it takes it through your intestines and colon. Very important piece so that you aren't getting toxin and ammonia overload, which can cause brain fog and other symptoms. One thing that I did notice with the first phase is that I got a rash/bumps in my armpits. I think this was from the lymphatic detox piece and stuff getting clogged. It cleared up after I kept going.
Phase 2, the fun stuff or should I say, gross stuff! This is when you add the parasite killers into the mix along with pulling out viruses and co-infections. There are two different supplements that you take for this and then another Bioactive carbon to help with binding. As you've now calculated I take a ton of pills every day. Every Sunday I fill my pill containers and I hate it. It's not hard to do at all, but I just hate sitting down to do it. Violet likes to help, which is sometimes just more stressful and takes three times as long. And then I also feel weird that she's pill counting. Ha! So I try to do this when she's not around. I haven't counted them, but I take at least two dozen a day. So when I first started Phase 2 I was a little weary about what would happen. And at first, not much happened. Parasites are super active around the full moon and new moon. So a lot of people ramp up their dosages and go on a killing spree. When doing this though it will knock them down for a few days because you just get so sick and exhausted from it all. I was a bit nervous but thought.. I'll add one extra pill just to see. So the day of the full moon I felt like complete crap. And I'm going to be honest I kind of forgot why I felt so off. Then it dawned on me why. During the day I could tell there was just something stuck. That night I passed a clump of worms! YUCK! And I was so ecstatic about it. Like holy crap it's happening! And I felt a little better after I got that out.
I've now had a few days home to myself now with no work or kids. And it's helped so much. My body has stopped being in survival mode all day long and can actually chill out a bit. Which means that all this stuff I'm doing actually has a chance to do what it needs to do. Which means there's more parasites coming out! It's not a glamorous vacation by any means. There's a lot of feeling like junk, appointments, and resting. I have gotten a few spurts of energy here and there which is amazing. And I have to be mindful about those moments. I'm trying to be better at just soaking them in and not feeling like I have to get something done. I do try make myself do some sort of activity each day whether it's a walk or some yoga. I'm going to be honest though, going to an appointment feels like an activity to me. This week I had PT Monday, acupuncture Tuesday, chiropractor and psychologist on Thursday, and I'll have to get some floats in. Like today I know I should go float, but it's one more thing and I just don't want to. I will tomorrow for sure. Each day I also have to pick up the kids and get supper ready. So I try to preserve energy for that. The other nice thing about not being stuck in stress mode is that I can actually get a better sense for what my body needs and what is happening. So, I obviously would have noticed this even if I had been working, but it was absolutely bizarre. Last Thursday I could feel movement/swirling under my scalp toward the front of my head. After a little while it slowly moved down my face and through my sinuses. I didn't freak out, I decided to be amazed by it instead. My gut was a disaster so I knew stuff was moving through. I had physical therapy that day, which is in St. James. It was actually a really good session. After I got done I could tell I was probably going to need the bathroom soon. So I got going hoping I could just get home. Nope. I had to stop three times and barely made it back in time to get the kids from daycare/school. It was brutal. But, I was super thankful that there are so many places to stop between St. James and Mankato. And I was listening to an audiobook in the car which was a good distraction. These occurrences are now a pretty regular thing. The downfall is that I don't know when the next wave will come through for sure. Though I can feel when stuff is going through my intestines and colon. The only problem is sometimes it just gets stuck there for awhile. Sorry, this is so TMI, but it's my life right now.
I can also tell that by having more space and time to rest I'm in a much better mental place. I still have bad moments, but a lot less. And being in a good mental place is so key right now. Bad emotions can prevent healing. And I think by continually working through those and not having to force being "okay" I am going to progress in this journey so much quicker. I try to focus on the little things that bring me joy. And the things that cause me stress and anxiety I find ways to change it or ways to help make it better. Like feeling bummed about having to spend an hour and a half in the car to go to physical therapy... grab a cup of coffee and listen to an audiobook. Now it's a much more enjoyable adventure. Or the kids being incredibly crabby from their long day and just pulling that small piece from the evening that was hilarious or made you smile. And just accepting what is. A day filled with exhaustion and aches/pains... just lay in bed, take a bath, watch a movie.. it's OKAY! That's what you're supposed to be doing! The Microbe Formulas FB Group has been so amazing. People are continously sharing their stories or troubles and everyone swoops in to offer advice and help. Each week the doctors that created the company and protocol do a Live Q&A. This has been so beneficial to me. Because it just instills hope and motivation to keep going. They answer questions and share valuable tips. They each have their own health journeys and it's inspiring to see how it's helped them. One of the doctors had severe allergies and teeth grinding to the point that his front teeth are porcelain. He no longer grinds his teeth and no allergies after clearing all of this stuff from his body. His wife had chronic Lyme and had been sick since she was young. She had gone to so many different doctors and nothing helped. Finally she was heal with help from this protocol. And the other doctor had so many things going on and was so sick. I could relate to a lot of what he talks about in his story. So knowing that they've done this and help people every day through their own practices makes me hopeful!
And a HUGE thank you to everyone who has sent cards, texts, messages, food, money, and so on. I'm so grateful for all of it and could not do this without all of this support. Love you all!


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