The Protocol. Month 1.

Note: Many of you don't really care to know what my actual protocol is. So you can stop reading this now if that's the case.

As I continue on this lovely journey I've become that slightly annoying patient that asks oodles of questions. My main issue is that I can't always come up with questions on the spot. I'll be emailing later with a list. Absorb information, let it percolate, ask more questions <--- that's me! So now that I've inundated my new clinic with multiple emails, I hope they'll continue to be patient with me.

My supplements have now been shipped out and I had a call with the doctor this morning to go through everything with me. So this is what's on the docket:

Viral Binder - This will take care of any retroviruses, both at the gut level and cellular level.
What is a retrovirus? It's a type of virus where RNA (ribonucleic acid) is reverse-transcribed into DNA. Typically with viruses it's the other way around, the DNA would be transcribed into RNA. But in this case the RNA inserts its copy into the DNA of a host cell, which allows it to replicate. Because reverse transcription lacks the usual proofreading of DNA replication, a retrovirus mutates very often. This enables the virus to grow resistant to antiviral pharmaceuticals quickly, and impedes the development of effective vaccines and inhibitors for the retrovirus. HIV is a type of retrovirus and there are several others. This was more than you wanted to know, but fascinating, right? Anyhow, this binder should clear these buggers out. 

Formula 3 - This is a blend of Ayurvedic herbs to treat Lyme disease and/or co-infections. In my case, babesia. 

Para 3 - helps eliminate other types of parasites not caught by the viral binder

Kidney/Liver detox - makes sure the liver is clear and keeps it functioning properly. These organs are our biggest filter, so if they aren't up to snuff, I'm in trouble.

Enzymes - This is a very potent mixture of enzymes to help break up biofilm. It can also be used to help break up food. In my case, we're aiming for the biofilm. Biofilm is a bunch of microorganisms/bacteria that cling to a surface and create a slimy exterior to protect themselves. Because of this they are able to evade the immune system and become hard to detect. They're also very antibiotic resistant, which is why often times people may feel better temporarily and then rebound with symptom flare-ups. This is also why tests and cultures often come back negative. We aren't able to access the bacteria because they're protected. Thus the reason why many tests for Lyme may be negative even though someone has it. Also why some people with strep don't respond to antibiotics. Biofilm is likely a culprit with many autoimmune diseases.

Biomolecular Oxygen - This itty bitty bottle contains tons of molecules of oxygen. We all need oxygen to live, right? This helps get oxygen where you need it in your body to help with healing. It also promotes the body’s ability to rid itself of biotoxins and absorption of free radicals. And even better, it's a good calming agent :)

Other notes in reference to my diet. Stick with cooked vegetables as my body can't handle digesting raw ones right now. Avoid fermented foods. No intermittent fasting since my body currently has issues metabolizing sugar. 

ARE YOU EXCITED?! I'm excited. Good riddance invaders!

Ashlee <3


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