i will get back up again ...
when i'm ready. We sometimes forget that part, the in-between, the healing process. We jump from "not okay" to "great". But wait, how did we get there? Tell me, Anna Kendrick! haha (This is a Trolls reference in case I've lost half my audience) I'm off on this remarkable adventure Just riding on a rainbow What if it's all a big mistake What if it's more than I can take No I can't think that way 'cause I know that I'm really, really, really gonna be okay We are on a remarkable adventure. It's filled with joy, pain, reflection, anticipation, sorrow, fun, grief, and so much more. And all of that can be done on a vibrant rainbow. Because even our sorrow and grief can be colorful. Plus, rainbows aren't just a straight line. They go up and down. My point is that these lyrics are merely the highlights of the story. There's more to be said in between the lines. My mom gifted me a book called No More Faking Fine . I...