Third Trimester Update

Thought I’d write a quick little update on here vs. an extended Facebook post. I’ve been intentionally trying to just share happy baby posts and very few how I’m doing posts. Because they would all say… mmm not great, but still alive! Lol

But let’s take a moment to celebrate the fact that I’ve made it to six months!! Holy Toledo! August seemed to zip by quickly, which I’m actually okay with. The kids are very happy to be back in school and that makes me happy too :)

3rd pregnancy with hEDS has been challenging… just as they said it might be. The whole ‘maybe you’ll feel the opposite and feel great during pregnancy’ has not come to fruition. Though I appreciate any and all hopeful thinking. I honestly think knowing now that I have hEDS has helped me cope a little differently. Like I know the reason behind some things so I can somewhat accept them. Doesn’t make it better or easier but I think it at least eliminates spiraled thoughts as to what is going on. Though does not eliminate thoughts on HOW can I make this better for myself.

Acupuncture and floating has provided some relief thank goodness. The migraines are fewer and more manageable when they do hit. Same with the sciatic pain. Which I’m sure will get harder again here at the end but just glad I got some relief in the past few months. Eating has been a giant struggle. Having a limited diet even before this seemed pretty annoying… but it’s gotten much worse. The acid reflux/bloating has gotten so bad that it’s hard to eat in general. Don’t worry though, super baby Suker seems to be growing on schedule despite this. I imagine it must have more of Ben’s genetics mixed with some of my stubborn determination. Which does make us all wonder what baby will be like outside of the womb! Maybe he or she just goes with the flow? Like meh, mom doesn’t feel great and can’t really eat, but I’ll just make do in here. How very resourceful of them ;)

I just had my echocardiogram to check and make sure my heart is all good (precautionary measure for EDS). This was mainly to check if there were any aneurysms and make sure all the valves were normal. I'm happy to report that it is normal, so that's another win. 

I try to put my best foot forward every day but I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge the anxiety and depression that often takes hold with my health challenges. I don't know if people fully understand the toll of not being able to just eat and sleep every day is. I do several things every day to stay functioning and try to keep a positive mindset, but it's exhausting. The eating alone takes a lot of strategy. But baby and I need nutrients so I have to push through it. I'm working with my doctors to try and make it better. Not a lot of success yet, but we may get there. Either way, it will all be worth it. The one thing that keeps me going is visualizing holding baby one day soon. That and my kids and my Ben. Ben has been  nothing but supportive and wonderful through it all. I have no doubt he's tired of all the tears, but he hugs me anyway and wipes them away. I also have such wonderful friends who take the time to check in on me and listen to me when I need to vent for a minute. I hope they know how much I appreciate them <3

Violet was able to feel the baby move recently and it was such a great moment. She loves to talk to baby and hug my belly, Theodore does too. She put her face right up to it and I asked if she wants to get kicked in the face. haha  She said yes, of course. I still need to catch a time for Theodore to feel baby. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities soon as baby continues to take up more space and is not one to sit still for long. Just as active as the other two were, so we are on trend. Theodore has already hand knitted the baby a giant blanket. The room is set up and ready to go. Just need to get a few odds and ends at some point and we'll be set. 

I thought the morning belly vs early evening belly was fascinating!


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