
January 16th marked five years from when I started this blog. FIVE YEARS! I didn't expect anything to come of it. I just needed to write one day, so I did. And then I went against every fear and shared what I wrote. I'm not sure if it comes across that I'm this bold, fearless warrior... (you know, like Mulan or something like that)... but I'm certainly not. After all this time you'd think it would be easier to be vulnerable and put myself out there, but it's not. I'm just getting better at pushing the button really fast and then running away so I don't delete it. You wouldn't believe the number of times I've thought about wiping out this entire blog. Or deleting all my insta and tik tok posts. Gosh, there's so much vulnerability out there from me. I have some moments of complete confidence and then later on I panic about it. It's fine. Everything is fine. And then people have the audacity to say nice things to me about it! Unreal. My ther...