new year, partially improved me

I so badly wanted to make the title 'new year, new me'. But I couldn't find a way to spin that into truth, so I think partially improved works ;) I've had a lot of people ask how I'm doing. Which is such a great question. One that I struggle to answer actually. Depending on the moment I may share some of the depths of it, but otherwise I'm vague or avoidant. While some parts have improved, like the MALS, there are several other issues that have not. I knew this going into the MALS surgery, but I secretly hoped it would magically help more things. The downside of abdominal compressions is that body’s anatomy is so interconnected that addressing one compression can shift blood flow and organ positioning, potentially worsening or exposing another compression. It can also disrupt compensatory mechanisms your body relied on before surgery, leading to new issues. Changes in nerve and tissue tension from surgery may aggravate borderline problems, and those with one co...