The Brain.
I was recently recommended a book called The Last Best Cure: My Quest to Awaken the Healing Parts of My Brain and Get My Body, My Joy and My Life by Donna Jackson Nakazawa. I, of course, looked it up and purchased it right away. The reason I purchased it is because the title and description talked about getting back joy. Yes! I want to know how to do that! As I read through the book I had a million aha moments and was completely entranced by it. It was so much more than I anticipated. The premise of the book is about her journey to get some of her life back. She is riddled with autoimmune illnesses and even had to relearn to walk twice so far in her life because of it. She meets a new doctor at John Hopkins who has a theory that might help her regain some of her joy. They decided to set out a plan for the next year on practices she would do. After the year is up they would retake all the same tests and see where she was at. The journey starts in the doctor's office where Dr. A...