
Showing posts from July, 2020

Mold Warrior Pt. 2

Are you grateful for all the things you do have? Of course you are. Does that mean that you can’t grieve what you’ve lost? No, it doesn’t. You can do both. I don’t know if my posts come across as me  being  a Debbie downer or not. I’m sure at times they read incredibly depressing. Maybe people think, but you should be so grateful for what you have! I am. I really, really am. I think about it every single day. But I also have days where I have to allow myself to grieve what I’ve lost. We all need space for that. I know I’ve talked about this many times before. But when people become ill they lose so much. There’s always the obvious things, but often it’s the things you can’t see that are the hardest. People are always changing. They weren’t who they were a year ago or five years ago. But this is greater than that. We have “woe is me” moments where we crave who we once were. Or we imagine, “if I was healthy I’d be more...”. It’s not healthy to dwell on, but sometimes it’s hard n...

Mold Warrior. Pt. 1

I've tried writing this a few different times, in my head, in my phone, or on paper. It just never flowed quite right. And then I decided, who cares. I would just not write altogether, but then the thoughts would just keep rolling in my head and it's rather annoying. So I need to just do something and move on. I've written about mold illness before, but I'm not sure how many of you have read it or remember it. So we are going to refresh. Mold illness/toxicity is not an allergy to mold. Mycotoxins from mold build up in your body from exposure. This happens to everyone as mold happens everywhere and it's not always harmful. And for a majority of people their immune systems will respond, their antibodies will bind to the antigens and clear the toxins out of the body. Some of us aren't as fortunate. There is a gene called  HLA-DR that 24% of the population has that doesn't tag mold properly and therefore doesn't remove it from the body like it should. So it ...