MALS: Surgery Day!

Prologue (This can be skipped completely if you want to jump to the bits about surgery, just writing for memory sake) The month leading up to the big day was a busy one. Of course, I still thought about surgery. Mostly in terms of 'thank goodness it's almost here'. And a few moments of fear and sadness and worry. September brought the start of school. The week leading up to school was a bit hairy with Theodore's anxiety about starting middle school. He was incredibly excited, but he gets very flustered with the unfamiliar and just assumes he's going to fail. But we got to the open house and his conference. Ben walked his route with him several times until Theodore felt satisfied. Actually, he probably didn't, but Ben needed to get back to work at some point. haha As we suspected, by day two of school he was already loving it! He even admitted after a few days that he does like choir despite the many disagreements we had over whether he should take the class or n...